Chevron Curve Warning - Software Configuration

Chevron Curve Warning - Software Configuration

Overview: This manual offers detailed guidance on configuring Chevron Curve Warning Systems, designed to enhance road safety by alerting drivers to upcoming curves. It provides step-by-step instructions on system setup, adjustment of warning parameters, and tips for optimal placement and operation. Whether you're installing a new system or fine-tuning an existing setup, this manual is an essential resource for ensuring effective and reliable performance.

⟨System Initiation

Connect to the System’s Wi-fi

Open to view your Wireless Network Connections on your browser-enabled device.

1. Locate and select TraffiCalm_Setup_xxxxxx from the list of available wi-fi networks.

Group Shape To ImageEnter security key / password:

Group Shape To ImageGroup Shape To ImageTr@ffiCalm (case-sensitive) Select: OK or CONNECT Select: OK or Connect

PC Procedure


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Example panes shown are

Windows-Based PC



Group Shape To ImageTC Connect is also compatible with Apple devices. (not shown)

Group Shape To Image    Mobile Procedure    

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You’ve now connected to the device’s wi-fi. Note that the system does not have Internet connection, so your device will likely not be able to connect to web- sites, email, or perform other web-required functions. No Internet connection is required to configure the system.

Open your web browser of choice (Chrome, Safari, Edge, etc...) and navigate to:

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Group Shape To ImageThis is a big decision. Consider what type of sign you’ll be highlighting, or what safety measure you’ll be accomplishing.

Here are some examples...

Push 2 Cross- pedestrian crossing where a push button activates flashing signs or RRFBs Chevron- curve warning system that illuminates the chevron signs through a curve

All Flash- one or a bunch of signs flash at the same time based on an activation event

High Water- a high water sensor activates remotely placed signs when roads flood

If you don’t know what system type you’ll be utilizing, consult the designer or engineer of the project.

Select system option from the following choices: Push 2 Cross - for push-button activated applications (ex. pedestrian crossing)

Chevron  for sequencing curve warning applications

All Flash – for all other applications Conflict Intersections - Where detections in one direction of traffic affect mobility in an intersecting direction of traffic

High Water - Where a water sensor or probe activates flashing signs.

Note: Depending on your selection, the setup utility will adapt accordingly. Jump to the following pages to proceed:

Push 2 Cross Pg 5

Chevron Pg All Flash Pg 12

Conflict Intersection Pg 15 High Water Detection Pg 19

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Introduction to Chevron System Setup

TraffiCalm Flashing Sign System tech is a revolutionary advancement in roadside signage. Given its flexibility, a particularly suiting application is Sequential Chevrons (or advanced curve warning)

These systems can prove complex in their nature, but the TC Connect Setup Wizard makes setup easy

The diagram below displays the most complex application of Sequential Chevrons- radar activation in dual directions

In relation to the setup wizard, each unit will be identified as follows:

Unit 1 (Warning Sign): Controller with Radar detector (PN: M75-SA300- RDR0) activates a single warning sign and all chevrons on the left side

Units 2, 3, and 4 (Chevrons): Collaborator (PN: M75-SA300-CLBX) repeats sequential activation of either chevron (right and left)

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The Controller does not need to be in position 1, but it does need to be in the position where a Radar detector is located (1 or 5 in the above example)

When installing, Chevrons sequencing AWAY from the controller must be connected into Flasher A. Chevrons sequencing TOWARD the

controller must be connected into Flasher B. Confusion on this point will result in the appearance of sequence malfunction

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Group Shape To ImageChevron.4 - Flasher Settings

Warning Sign Setup

Speed Required To Activate System Set to the lowest detection speed required to activate

Activate Curve Ahead Warning Toggles warning sign activation Warning Sign Flasher Rate

60 FPM is considered MUTCD com- pliant, all others are non-compliant Warning Sign Flasher Pattern Standard Flash is considered MUTCD compliant, all others are non-compliant

Warning Sign Flasher Output Selects Flasher Output Channel (A or B)

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Group Shape To ImageChevron.8 - Collaborators

Chevron Setup

Add Collaborators to the chevron group by typing in the 6 digit identifier found on the product label

Add as many chevron connected Collaborators as are installed on the curve section, do not include the controller or signs connected to Warning signs

Chevron Subset Size

It is possible to “cap” the number of chevrons activated in sequence. Any additional signs will activate simultaneously with another sign.

For example- if a group contains chevrons, but the Subset Size is set to 4, units 1 and 5 will activate together,

followed by 2 and 6, followed by 3

and 7, followed by 4 and 8. Long curves may benefit from this setting to maintain driver visibility.

Enter the value of the number of signs in a subset.

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Group Shape To ImageChevron.9 - Collaborators, cont’d

Warning Sign Setup

“Warning Sign” Collaborators differ from “Chevron” Collaborators

in that they are connected to the warning sign typically found at the entrance to a curve

Add Collaborators to the Warning group by typing in the 6 digit identifier found on the product label

Add as many warning sign connected Collaborators as are installed on the curve section, do not include the controller or signs connected to chevron signs

Warning Sign Location

Select where the Warning Sign is in relation to the Controller

Scheduling Intro

The built in Flashing Sign Scheduler allows you to schedule OFF or ON behavior to occur throughout the day

Start by setting up events to happen on a day plan, then apply the day plan to either the daily button, the day but- tons (Sun, Mon, etc.) or specific calendar days

Once completed, select to send the schedule to the Controller, then select to enable the schedule

The schedule will now activate on the Controller and all Collaborating group members

Scheduling Details

Undo- removes last action or application of a day plan

Redo- redacts the undo function

Assign- For Apple users, applies the day plan to selected day button or date

Clear- removes day plan from selected day button or date

Send- Sends the schedule to the group

Enable Schedule- starts the schedule operation

Daily- day plans assigned to the Daily button occur every day, repeating forever.

Sun, Mon, Tues...- day plans assigned to the Day buttons occur on that specific day, repeating forever

Calendar- day plans assigned to specific calendar dates will occur on that day ONLY, with no repetition

To apply a day plan, simply drag and drop the day plan to the desired day or date. Additionally, a range of dates may be selected; use the Assign button to apply the selected day plan to the selected dates

Note to some Apple IOS users, the drag and drop action may not function properly. In this case, use the Assign button to apply day plans to days or dates.

Download Schedule - Downloads developed schedule to phone, tablet, or PC for future use on other systems

Choose File/Upload Schedule File - Open and send a downloaded schedule to save time.

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Group Shape To ImageActivation Report

This screen facilitates the download of an activation log and a status log. Both are exported to your device as a spreadsheet that can be opened in software like Microsoft Excel.

Once a log is loaded to your device it can be emailed, shared, and otherwise distributed as much and as often as you want.

The activation log displays data about when the system detected vehicles and how that amounted to (or not to) flashing sign.

The status log provides system history, including charging status and power cycles.

Finally, this screen features several brief reference facts.

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Advanced Settings

This screen offers several "advanced" features, some of which are critical to the operation of the system.

Power Type- should be selected to reflect each devices actual power supply. If in doubt, call our support department.

Programmable Input Mode- designates what input 2 on the controller accomplishes. It can act like an input, or a reset trigger.

Automatic Daylight Saving Time- turn off if you're in a place that does not observe the annual DST.

Detailed Logging- toggle the storage of detections and status logs. Some places don't allow it, so this allows for total compliance.

Radar Diagnostic LEDs- the radars have a green and a red LED to help with aiming and power status. But, they can be distracting under normal use.

So, you can turn them off if the public demands it.

Various Resets (not pictured)-

Soft defaults retains most settings, like Collaborator IDs

Factory Reset wipes the whole thing clean

Clear Logs- resets the data logs

That's It. Well done!

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