Flashing Sign System - All Flash Scheduling

Flashing Sign System - All Flash Scheduling

Setting Up Scheduling for All Flash Configuration

"All Flash" is the term within TC Connect for configuring any flashing LED signs that are not part of other intelligent solution systems, such as Push 2 Cross, Chevron, or High Water. This guide provides step-by-step instructions to set up an All Flash system using TC Connect. An All Flash system can be used for various warning signs, such as stop signs or school zone signs, that need to flash continuously or be activated by a radar sensor.

Step 1: Access Scheduling Interface

  • Access: After setting up your All Flash system, navigate to the scheduling section in TC Connect.

Step 2: Create a Basic Schedule

  • Default Standby Mode:
    • Ensure you are on 'Day Plan 1'.
    • Set the system to be in standby mode by default:
      • Click 'Planned Events'.
      • Set the time to '00:00 AM'.
      • Select 'Standby' and add this event.
      • Click 'Daily' to apply this setting every day.

Step 3: Create a Regular Flash Schedule

  • Day Plan 2:
    • Set the system to flash during specific times:
      • Morning Schedule: Set the start time to 7:00 AM and enable operations. Set the end time to 8:30 AM and switch to standby mode.
      • Afternoon Schedule: Set the start time to 2:30 PM and enable operations. Set the end time to 3:30 PM and switch to standby mode.
    • Assign 'Day Plan 2' to Monday through Friday.

Step 4: Set Up Special Schedules

  • Half Days (Day Plan 3):
    • Morning: Same as regular flash schedule.
    • Midday: Set the start time to 11:30 AM and enable operations. Set the end time to 12:00 PM and switch to standby mode.
    • Assign 'Day Plan 3' to specific half-day dates.
  • Holidays (Day Plan 4):
    • Set the system to stay in standby mode all day:
      • Set the time to '00:00 AM' and select 'Standby'.
    • Assign 'Day Plan 4' to all holiday dates.

Step 5: Apply and Save the Schedule

  • Push Schedule to Sign: Once all schedules are set, push the schedule to the sign by clicking 'Send Schedule'.
  • Set Date and Time: Ensure the controller’s date and time are correct by navigating to the 'Status' page and updating the date and time from your computer.


Following these steps will ensure a reliable setup and scheduling of your All Flash system using TC Connect, enhancing road safety by providing effective and timely warnings to drivers.  For further assistance, refer to our other help guides or contact TraffiCalm customer support.

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