Flashing Sign System - All Flash Setup Guide

Flashing Sign System - All Flash Setup Guide

Guide to Setting Up an All Flash System Using TC Connect
"All Flash" is the term within TC Connect for configuring any flashing LED signs that are not part of other intelligent solution systems, such as Push 2 Cross, Chevron, or High Water. This guide provides step-by-step instructions to set up an All Flash system using TC Connect. An All Flash system can be used for various warning signs, such as stop signs or school zone signs, that need to flash continuously or be activated by a radar sensor.

Setting up All Flash

Step 1: Access System Interface

  1. Connect to Wi-Fi: Ensure your laptop, phone or tablet is connected to the Controller Wi-Fi network.

Step 2: Login

  1. Login Credentials: Open you device settings and find the wifi network.  
    • Password: Tr@ffiCalm
    • After connecting to the wifi network, Open Web Brower: go to setup.trafficalm.com.
  2. Customer Support: Contact customer support if you are experiencing login issues.

Step 3: Initial Setup

  1. Welcome Page: Upon logging in, you will land on the welcome page. Here, you can download the software manual or installation manual if needed.
  2. Continue: Click 'Continue' to proceed past the welcome page without downloading the manuals.

Step 4: Select All Flash

  1. Select Mode: On the first page, select the 'All Flash' option.
  2. Save and Continue: Click 'Save and Continue' to proceed.

Step 5: System Location

  1. Name Your System: Provide a meaningful name for your system (e.g., "Third Street", "Highway 90 School Zone").
  2. Save and Continue: Click 'Save and Continue'.

Step 6: Operating Mode

  1. Choose Mode: Select '24/7' to have the system flash continuously, or choose 'Input Operated' if you have a button or sensor attached, if you want RADAR activation the RADAR must be wired in prior to powering on the unit for this to be an option.
  2. Scheduling Option: You can set up a schedule for the system to only flash during certain times (e.g., school hours).
  3. Save and Continue: Click 'Save and Continue'.

Step 7: Brightness Settings

  1. Default Settings: The default brightness settings are usually sufficient.
  2. Brightness Adjustment: Choose between 'Standard' or 'Aggressive' automatic brightness adjustment. Standard is recommended.
  3. Save and Continue: Click 'Save and Continue'.

Step 8: Flasher Rate

  1. Flash Pattern: Set the flash rate to 60 flashes per minute. Standard flash pattern is recommended.
  2. Flash Output: Select 'Unison Output' to have all connected flashers operate simultaneously. Other options include 'A only', 'B only', or 'Alternating'.
  3. Save and Continue: Click 'Save and Continue'.

Step 9: Collaborator Setup (if applicable)

  1. Add Collaborator: If you have additional warning signs further down the road, add the collaborator ID.
  2. Flash Settings: Configure the collaborator to flash in unison with the main controller when triggered.
  3. Save and Finish: Click 'Save and Finish' to complete the setup. This may take some time if multiple collaborators are added.

Step 10: Finalization

  1. Confirmation: Ensure the collaborator has been found and set up successfully. Click 'OK' to finish.
  2. Scheduling (Optional): If needed, proceed to set up the schedule for the flashing times.


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