Flashing Sign Systems Troubleshooting Guide

Flashing Sign Systems Troubleshooting Guide

Trafficalm Flashing sign system are used in variety of ways.  Push 2 Cross, Curve Warning Systems, Stop Rings, Conflict Intersections, Highwater Warning, or School Zone Beacon Flashers are just a few ways the systems can be setup to operate.
Trafficalm Flashing sign system come in a variety of models as well, but the circuit boards and setup process are all very similar.

FACTS to know about TraffiCalm Flashing System
There is only one Controller in every system. 
A Collaborator can’t be used without a Controller.  
A controller can be used without a Collaborator.
All of our Flashing Sign systems require WIFI login and setup except for the Basic (BSC) units built after June 2022.
Controllers and Collaborators communicate between each other via Mesh Net using the attached antenna.
Controllers not setup yet will not flash on their own.
Collaborators not setup and controlled by a Controller will Flash a slow pulse flash continuously, (aka Zombie mode or Zombie Flash).  
Push Buttons or High Water Sensors are attached to INPUT1 normally, some controllers the INPUT2 is not programed so try INPUT1.
Input2 is not used for routine setups on controllers.  Do not use INPUT2 unless consulted with Trafficalm.

Abbreviations used in this document:
Controller = CTL
Collaborator = CLB

Multimeter - Having a multimeter is a very useful tool to quickly determine if the issues are related to power or not.   

Common hand tools include
Screwdriver, #2 Philips Head
                        Small Flat tip - useful to press orange tabs on the green phoenix connectors.
Wrench, 5/16 is common for the antenna connections.  Be sure to not over tighten. 
If you need to reposition any of the mounted hardware, there may be a varity of wrenches or sockets you may need.

If your model is what we call a Basic the Model will end in BSCx.   M75-SA300-BSCx.  The x may be a 2/3/E/A.

Basic = BSC – No Mesh Communications and works alone.  There are 2 Basics

1.      Pre July 2022 the Basic had Wifi with TC Connect and setup was done in TC Connect via Wifi.

2.      Post July 2022 is the Plug and Go Basic.         

a.      24/7 Flash, just plug the unit in and it knows to flash 24/7

b.      Radar activation, remove installed jumper on INPUTs, wire in RADAR then power system on, when it boots up it recognized the radar and knows to be Radar activated. 

These troubleshooting guides are divided into these sections:
All Trafficalm Flashing Signs Systems
Radar Activated systems (All Flash, Curve Warning, Conflict Intersection, [Stop rings that are not the new plug and go basic]) 
All Flash with Scheduling
The How To Section includes voltage checks of batteries, solar panel or DC side of AC power supplies, fuse testing, advanced techniques to INPUT1 shorting, testing LED rings or RRFBs

All Trafficalm Flashing Sign System 




Solar/ Battery powered units.    No power, no flashing , no LED activity on circuit board LEDs.  

AC Powered units.  No power, no flashing , no LED activity on circuit board LEDs.  

Check Fuses

Check Battery voltage

Check the battery connections, they could have come loose during transport.


If fuses are good and battery level to Circuit board is 12.5vdc or more then the board must be dead.  This is a very rare occasion so double check the fuses, battery level and all wiring connections to fuses, battery and Green Phoenix Connector to Circuit board.


Unplug the Flasher, INPUT and Radar connections to ensure no external issue is loading the circuit board and check fuses and power again.


With a meter, check DC power out of the AC power supply.

See Fuse check

See Power Check

See Power Check

Push2Cross Troubleshooting

Push2Cross   (System as been setup as Push2Cross via login to Wifi and go through setup)




No power, no flashing , no LED activity on circuit board LEDs

Check Fuses

Check Battery voltage

Check the battery connections, they could have come loose during transport.


If fuses are good and battery level to Circuit board is 12.5vdc or more then the board must be dead.  This is a very rare occasion so double check the fuses, battery level and all wiring connections to fuses, battery and Green Phoenix Connector to Circuit board.


Unplug the Flasher, INPUT and Radar connections to ensure no external issue is loading the circuit board and check fuses and power again.

See Fuse check

See Power Check

The CLB is in constant flash and CTL is NOT flashing on its own like the CLB is.

This is normal behavior for a system not setup. Connect to CTL WIFI and setup system.




See software setup guide.

Controller Wifi does not show up in device wifi settings

A CTL will not boot the wifi up unless there is 12.4vdc to the circuit board. 

Ensure you are on the CTL not the CLB.  The Control board BLUE LED will flash 1 time every 10 seconds when the WIFI is up.  Blue LED on board flashes 1 time every 10 seconds but you don’t see the wifi network on your device wifi settings then the issue is with your device.

A CTL will not boot the wifi up if on solar only power.  This would happen if fuse to battery is blown.

See Fuse check

See Power Check

See Circuit board LED indicator chart.

CTL does not respond to a push button but the Collaborator does.  (this assumes the system had been setup as PTC and working)

The CTL power has been reduced below 10.8v and shutdown operation except the charge circuit, or has lost all power or the circuit board has failed.  When a collaborator loses communication to the Controller when setup as a Push to Cross, the collaborator will still respond to the button press and flash.


1.               If you find batteries are at least 12.4vdc or greater and the fuses are good but the button press does not activate the system it could be a button issue.  On the Circuit board, remove the connector related to INPUT1/2 and conduct the advanced technique of shoring INPUT1 test. 

2.               At the CTL; If the batteries are low, 10.8vdc or lower you should see the Charge RED LED indicator on Solid if charging.   If the Charge RED LED indicator is flashing then the solar panel is not providing 14.5vdc or more or the solar panel wire(s) have come loose.

3.               If Solar Panel is good (14.5vdc or higher and in correct polarity) and Charge RED LED indicator on Solid or YELLOW LED indicator on Solid, wait for batteries to charge.  It could be a battery has failed.  An alternate test would be to replace the batteries with good, charged batteries to see if the system works with proper power.  If the system drains the batteries again, suspect a failed charge circuit and contact tech support.


See Fuse check

See Power Check




See Voltage check and

Advanced technique, Shoring INPUT1 test.


See Circuit board LED indicator chart.

-Test Solar Panel.

CTL and CLB respond to a button press individually but does not activate the other.  Or activates the other with a delay.   (this assumes the system had been setup as PTC and working)

This would be a MESH NET communications issue between the CTL and CLB(s). 

Make sure the antennas on all units are mounted on top and pointing straight up.  Check all antenna connection to ensure they are not corroded or loose.


Get the CTL wifi up and connect to the system.  Once connected run the diagnostics.  Diagnostics test the signal strength between the units.  It reads out the NETWORK ID and strength between them. 


Run diagnostic a couple times.  If you get no response on signal strength and have confirmed all connections and power, contact tech support.


Diagnostics numbers:  60 or below is a good number and should be

Look for broken antennas or antenna connections.  Antennas should be mounted to point straight up with no obstructions between CTL and CLB(s).  (must have line of sight to each others antennas.)

CTL responds to push button but the CLB does not flash.

CLB suspect the power is lost at the CLB. Ensure fuses are good, battery level at 12.5 or higher and solar panel is outputting 14.5v or greater.   Look at Power indicator LEDs.


If the CLB has power then make sure the RRFB/LED Rings are wired correctly in FLASHER A or B See wire diagram on the board.  Sometimes INPUT and FLASHER get swapped.

See Power Checks


See wiring diagram sticker on the circuit board.

CTL and CLB both in constant flash.

A button is stuck.  Or in the case of a High Water Sensor the Sensor is shorted.  Pull the Green Phoenix connectors for INPUT on both the CTL and CLB.  If they stop flashing plug one at a time in to see which button or sensor is stuck.


If both buttons are removed from the Circuit and both units continue to flash, ensure setup is correct for a pedestrian cross and not setup as 24/7 all flash. 

Do a Factory Reset and setup again.


Button push does not activate the system on one or both sides.

Ensure setup is correct for INPUT operated.

This could be either the CTL or CLB button wiring is lose or button as failed.  Almost never would you have bad buttons on both sides so if it is both sides go back to setup and make sure the system is setup properly for INPUT Button operation.  Also on CTL ensure INPUT1 is used and not INPUT2.



Remove Green Phoenix connector from INPUT.  Short Input 1 with a wire loop or short the pins using a flat tip screw driver.  See advanced techniques.  If shorting INPUT1 activates the system then you know it is a button issue and not the circuit board.

Setup Correct?

Advanced techniques.






Advanced technique, Shoring INPUT1 test.


RRFB or RINGs do not flash

Ensure wiring is correct with proper polarity, these are LEDs and electricity only flows one direction, polarity is important. (positive and negative connections= polarity)


Ensure fuses are good and battery level is 12.5v or greater.


See advanced procedure to test RRFB or LED Rings.


See Power Check and Fuse Check.


See advanced check of RRFB or RING test.

System only works during the day

Check fuses and battery levels.  With fuse blown the system can operator on solar only if the solar input is 18v or greater.  As soon as the solar panel drops down as the sun sets then system will stop working.

Check fuses. 

Radar Activated Systems (Chevron, All Flash, Conflict Intersection) troubleshooting




No power, no flashing , no LED activity on internal LEDs

Check Fuses

Check Battery voltage


If fuses are good and battery level to Circuit board is 12.5vdc or more then the board must be dead.  This is a very rare occasion so double check the fuses, battery level and all wiring connections to fuses, battery and Green Phoenix Connector to Circuit board.


See Fuse check

See Power Check

CTL and/or CLB Radar does not activate system

Check fuses and battery level.  Radars will not activate if fuse is blown and solar input is below 14.5vdc.

Ensure the system is setup properly.  Connect to controller wifi and go through setup.


A CTL will not activate a Radar unless it is plugged in prior to powering the unit on.


For Curve Warning Systems- the Radar Check box must be checked for the collaborator to be Radar Activated and provide power to the radar.


For All Flash and Conflict Intersection setup as radar activation, when adding collaborators there is a drop down to select Radar Activated.

See Fuse check

See Power Check

See Software Setup Guide

RRFB or RINGs do not flash

Radars are tracking (RED LED ON when traffic approaches) but RRFB or RING does not flash.   

Ensure the system is setup properly.  Connect to controller wifi and go through setup.  Ensure the speed programmed is correct for this roadway.


Ensure wiring is correct on the RRFB or LED RING with proper polarity, these are LEDs and electricity only flows one direction, polarity is important. (positive and negative connections= polarity)

Ensure fuses are good and battery level is 12.5v or greater.


See advanced procedure to test RRFB or LED Rings by connecting directly to battery.

See Power Check and Fuse Check.

See Software Setup Guide




See advanced check of RRFB or RING test.

System only works during the day.

One or more units only work during the day.  Check fuses and battery levels.  With fuse blown the system can operator on solar only if the solar input is 18v or greater.  As soon as the solar panel drops down as the sun sets then system will stop working.


Check setup to make sure day only was not selected.


See Power Check and Fuse Check.

The CLB is in constant flash and CTL is NOT flashing on its own.

Communications is lost between CTL and CLB.  Possible issues

Mesh Net issue at CTL, CLB or CTL has low or no power.


The CTL power has been reduced below 10.8v and shutdown, lost all power, lost MESH NET communication or the CLB has lost MESH NET communications.  When a collaborator loses communication to the Controller it will flash continuously when setup as All Flash, Chevron or Conflict Intersection.  Troubleshoot low or no power on Controller.


1.      On CTL and CLB Check that the antennas are securely attached internal and external and the antennas are pointing straight up. If you find a missing or loose connection see if the CLB doesn’t check in with the CTL and stop flashing on its own.  Reset power on the CLB to speed up the check in.

2.      If not an antenna issue or power issue, cycle power on CTL to get the WiFi up and login to the unit.

a.      Check Status.  Status for the CTL and CLB should be reported, try a second time if the CLB didn’t show status.

b.      Observe the CTL Red and White status LEDs and push the button.   Focus on the White LED and push the button.  The White LED should flash once but the Red LED should flash for the duration of the flash pattern. 

If the CTL has power, responds to a push button by flashing the RRFB or LED that is attached and you see the White LED flash while all the time the CLB remains in constant flash then the issue is the CLB.


When logged into the Wifi, go through setup and ensure the NETWORK ID (formally called COLAB ID) for the CLB is entered correctly.  You could try a factory reset and go through setup again.  Contact Trafficalm with Model and Serial number of unit.

See Fuse check

See Power Check










Check system Status and Diagnostic if power is good.

All Flash with Scheduling Troubleshooting




No power, no flashing , no LED activity on internal LEDs

Check Fuses

Check Battery voltage


If fuses are good and battery level to Circuit board is 12.5vdc or more then the board must be dead.  This is a very rare occasion so double check the fuses, battery level and all wiring connections to fuses, battery and Green Phoenix Connector to Circuit board are good and solar panel is providing voltage.


See Fuse check

See Power Check

Beacons or Rings don’t Flash

Ensure setup is correct and/or schedule is correct so the system should be flashing at this time. 

Check Fuses and Battery levels.  If fuses are good and there is 12.5v or greater then continue.

Check system time under STATUS to ensure its not a schedule issue.

Check schedule to ensure it should be flashing at this time.


For TEST or RRFB or RINGs- Disable Schedule and ensure system is setup for 24/7 operations and the RRFB or RINGS should be flashing constantly.


If RRFB or RING never flashes see advanced test of RRFB and RINGS.


See Power Check

See Fuse Check

Review scheduling is correct and date/time is set properly.









See Advanced test or RRFB and RINGs.

How to Section: 
How and where to Test Voltage, Fuses, Solar panel.  There are a variety of models but the circuit boards all have the same basic layout for the Power, Flasher, Input and Radar ports.  
Advanced techniques for troubleshooting.

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