TC Speed Connect - Scheduling Configuration

TC Speed Connect - Scheduling Configuration

Guide to Scheduling with TC Speed Connect
This guide provides step-by-step instructions on how to configure and schedule radar speed signs using the TC Speed Connect app. This guide assumes you are already familiar with setting up the basic configurations of the speed signs.

Use Reference Video to following along installation steps.

Installation Steps

Step 1: Download TC Speed Connect App

  1. Download TC Speed Connect and install the app. 
  2. You will land on the profile page upon opening the app.

Step 2: Understand Configuration Setup

  1. Scheduling requires setting up multiple configurations that the sign will follow during different times.
  2. Be aware of MTC compliance: if the MTC compliant box is checked, certain features such as emojis and flashing options will not be available.

Step 3: Configure Normal Operation (Configuration 1)

  1. Click on "Edit" for Configuration 1.
  2. Set the mode to "Speed Detection with Feedback."
  3. Ensure the MTC compliance box is checked if you need to follow MTC regulations.
  4. Set beacon mode to "Flash alternately when set by the user," but do not activate beacons for this configuration.
  5. Set the minimum speed to 10 mph and the posted speed limit to 35 mph.
  6. Set the mode to display the driver’s speed back to them.
  7. Save and continue.

Step 4: Configure Distracted Driver Display Options

  1. For excessive speed (36 to 45 mph), set the display to flash the driver’s speed without activating beacons.
  2. Save and continue.

Step 5: Configure Maximum Speed Display

  1. Set the maximum speed readout to 55 mph.
  2. Do not activate beacons for speeds between 46 and 55 mph.
  3. Save and continue.

Step 6: Configure School Hours (Configuration 2)

  1. Click on "Edit" for Configuration 2.
  2. Set the mode to "Speed Detection with Feedback."
  3. Activate beacons to flash alternately during school hours.
  4. Set the minimum speed to 10 mph and the posted speed limit to 20 mph during school hours.
  5. Save and continue.

Step 7: Configure Distracted Driver Display Options for School Hours

  1. For excessive speed (21 to 25 mph), set the display to flash the driver’s speed.
  2. Save and continue.

Step 8: Configure Maximum Speed Display for School Hours

  1. Set the maximum speed readout to 55 mph.
  2. Save and continue.

Step 9: Set Up Scheduling 

  1. Go to the "Scheduling" tab.
  2. For Day Plan 1 (non-school hours):
    • At midnight, load Configuration 1.
    • Assign this to the "Daily" button.
  3. For Day Plan 2 (school hours):
    • At 7 a.m., load Configuration 2.
    • At 8 a.m., load Configuration 1.
    • At 2 p.m., load Configuration 2.
    • At 3 p.m., load Configuration 1.
    • Assign this to Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday.

Step 10: Configure Summer and Holidays (Day Plan 3)

  1. Select the date range for summer holidays (e.g., June 1 to August 30).
  2. Assign Day Plan 3 to these dates to ensure the signs follow the non-school hours configuration.

Step 11: Connect to the Sign

  1. Click on the "Connect" tab and connect via Bluetooth.
  2. Find and select the serial number of the sign.
  3. Log in with the default user credentials (User: 3, Password: 0404 in uppercase).
  4. Push the profile to the sign.
  5. Enable scheduling when prompted.

Step 12: Verify and Finalize Setup

  1. Ensure the system time is correctly set by clicking "Set Clock" and adjusting if necessary.
  2. Always disconnect from the app properly before closing your laptop or leaving the site.

Step 13: Edit Scheduling if Needed

  1. To edit any part of the schedule, use the "Remove" and "Add" buttons in the event window.
  2. To remove an assignment, switch to the trash can icon and click on the item you want to remove.


Following these steps will ensure that your radar speed sign operates according to the desired schedule, switching between normal and school hour configurations as needed. For further adjustments, use the editing tools within the scheduling tab to fine-tune the settings.

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