Wrong Way - SafePath Configuration Guide

Wrong Way - SafePath Configuration Guide

This guide is designed to assist you in configuring the SafePath Wrong Way Driver Warning System using any Wi-Fi-enabled device, including smartphones, tablets, and PCs.

Initial Connection

  1. Power On the Controller:

    • Approximately 5 minutes after being powered on, the Controller will activate a Wi-Fi network. This network is identified by a unique ID containing "WWA."
  2. Connect to the Wi-Fi Network:

    • Open your device’s Wi-Fi settings and connect to the network identified by "WWA."
    • Use the following password: Tr@ffiCalm (case sensitive).
  3. Acknowledge No Internet Connection Warning:

    • Your device will warn you that no internet connection is available; this is expected and should be ignored.
  4. Access the Configuration Interface:

    • Open a web browser (Explorer, Chrome, Safari, Edge) and navigate to: setup.trafficalm.com.
    • Enter the following password when prompted: Tr@ffiCalm.

Configuration Wizard

The setup wizard will guide you through the system configuration in the following order:

  1. Flashing Options
  2. Alert Zone Setup
  3. Flasher Activation Zone Setup
  4. Pre-Alert Zone Setup
  5. Confirmation Zone Setup
  6. Flasher Only Setup
  7. Advanced Options
  8. Camera Aiming (applies to M75-DETCA-M000 only)

Alert Zone Setup

  1. Radar Settings:

    • Set the radar to detect approaching or receding vehicles, depending on the direction of wrong-way drivers.
    • Default radar sensitivity settings typically suffice.
  2. Adjust Radar Angle and Zone Size:

    • Measure the detection zone by walking towards the radar and marking the locations where detection starts (light turns red) and ends (light extinguishes).
    • Measure the distance between these two points and enter it into the system.
  3. Add Collaborator’s ID:

    • If present, enter the Collaborator’s ID (e.g., 0E23DB) and set it up like the Controller.
  4. Zone Collaboration:

    • Select which other zones will be utilized and how they will collaborate.

Pre-Alert Zone Setup

  1. Radar Distance Settings:

    • Set the distance for the Pre-Alert Zone.
    • Measure and enter the center-to-center distance between the Pre-Alert Zone and the Alert Zone.
  2. Zone Collaboration:

    • Decide whether the two radars within the zone require collaboration. Leaving the box unchecked will create a zone where detection on either radar constitutes a collaboration.

Flasher Activation and Confirmation Zone Setup

  1. Configure Radars:
    • Set up 1 or 2 Collaborators per zone.

Flasher Only Setup

  1. Add Flasher Only Collaborators:
    • These devices do not connect to a radar but only flash connected signage, expanding the system’s warning capabilities.

Advanced Wizard Page

  • Options and Radar Detection Stream:
    • Monitor the system’s radar detection stream. A properly set up system will have minimal radar detections. Adjust radar aiming or sensitivity settings as needed to minimize false detections.

Validation Testing

  1. Initial Testing:

    • Observe and adjust settings to exclude radar "noise."
  2. Live Testing:

    • Reverse the system to test on live "right-way" traffic, or preferably, shut down the road section and perform live wrong-way testing.

This guide provides a comprehensive overview of configuring the SafePath Wrong Way Driver Warning System. For detailed troubleshooting and advanced setup, refer to the full manual. If you require additional assistance, please contact TraffiCalm customer support at 855-738-2722.